Understanding Shoulder Arthroscopy “Scope”
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and is prone to injury. If you have a shoulder problem for which surgery is recommended, it is helpful to understand the process of undergoing shoulder surgery. Shoulder surgery is divided into two main categories: open (through one incision) or arthroscopic (through several small incisions and with the use of a camera). Using multiple small incisions and a camera is also known as a “scope.” Dr. Burns will recommend which type of surgery is right for your problem.
Before Surgery
Dr. Burns will help you prepare for surgery by discussing what is wrong with your shoulder and explaining the planned surgical procedure. Preoperative bloodwork and testing will be done if necessary to ensure you are healthy for surgery. Your medical doctor will be involved if necessary, depending on your age and overall health.
The Night Before Surgery
Remember to have nothing to eat or drink after midnight. You may take approved clear liquids up until 2 hours before arrival for surgery. Take only the medications that the nurse instructs in the morning with a small sip of water.
The Day of Surgery
Arrive at the hospital or surgery center at the time given, which is usually 1-2 hours before your planned surgical procedure. You will be checked in by the staff, receive an IV, and medication to relax you. Most patients will receive a scalene block, which is an injection above the shoulder to numb the arm and reduce pain for the day of surgery. You will still go to sleep and receive general anesthesia as well. This block reduces pain after the surgery.
After Surgery
You will arrive in the recovery room. If you have had an arthroscopy or scope, this is an outpatient procedure, and you will go home when you are awake and comfortable. If you have a reason that requires you to stay overnight, you will go to your hospital room after you are awake and comfortable in the recovery room.
After Shoulder Arthroscopy
After shoulder arthroscopy, you will arrive in the recovery room. Your arm will usually be numb from the block for 12-18 hours after surgery. Once you are awake, comfortable, and have had a small amount to eat or drink, your family member will arrive to take you home.